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Haverstraw Chair Factory - Coming Soon!

30 Liberty Street, Haverstraw, NY, 10927


We Want to Hear Your Ideas!

The Chair Factory Development team is looking to work with the community to envision revitalization of Downtown Haverstraw beyond the borders of the Chair Site. As our team has completed in many communities we look to "crowdsource" your ideas for what can help Downtown Haverstraw reach its true potential. Ideas big and small are welcome. We believe that striving for potential of thriving businesses, of inviting tree-lined streets and park, of cultures honoring one another through ideas and collaboration will not only galvanize the community but will quickly either overshadow or produce solutions for the problems that Downtown faces. We have proven this time and time again.


Project Overview

Pennrose and MPACT Collective was selected as the preferred developer by the Village of Haverstraw to realize a new neighborhood of mix-use and mixed-income housing on the former Chair Factory Site located on the Hudson River in Rockland County.

This Development builds upon the framework of the Village of Haverstraw’s Comprehensive Plan, which guides the continued growth and revitalization of the Village in a sustainable and economical manner. It revitalizes vacant land, unlocks underutilized development potential, establishes a key node to downtown Main Street, and acts as a catalyst for meeting housing goals. Furthermore, open space along the waterfront will be safe and accessible to the public, and retail will activate and spur on economic activity.

The Haverstraw Chair Factory Site includes mixed-income affordable, workforce and market rate housing, structured parking, retail, and cultural uses as well as public waterfront amenities. The project envisions 450 units, comprised of:

  • Affordable Units: 133 units set-aside for households earning from 30% to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
  • Middle Income Units: 135 units set-aside for households earning between 110% to 130% of AMI
  • Market Rate Units: 182 units at market rate without income restrictions

Of the total Affordable Units, 40 units (30%) are intended to be designated with a preference for military service with disabilities. The remaining will be for general occupancy; unit types include studios to 3-bedroom units to accommodate both singles and families across affordable, workforce and market rate units. This distribution intends to welcome a new neighborhood that embraces diversity and shared resources. Residents will enjoy an inviting community center, a fitness center, open space, on-site parking, and connectors to the Hudson River.

The team has begun engagement work with the local community and stakeholders to inform the development. The development team is in the process of identifying funding sources for the new development prior to commencing construction. This website will be updated as more information becomes available.


Haverstraw Rendering Crop
Haverstraw Rendering Crop

Post Your Ideas!

We ask that your ideas posted adhere to the "triple bottom" line of being Socially, Environmentally and Economically responsible. We reserve the right to only post ideas that meet this ethos. When ideas are posted we will work with the sponsor (poster) of that idea to garner support, or "Likes", for the idea. Ideas that rise to the top due to "Likes" garnered, and thus support from fellow community members, will be studied for feasibility. For example a coffee shop cafe may be an idea posted. If that idea garners significant support, our team will work to determine feasibility of that use. If deemed feasible, our team may work to recruit an entrepreneur to open that business or welcome an existing operation in another community to expand here. By working together we can show these businesses that they have a built-in support system and market in Haverstraw. We have worked with entrepreneurs on business plans, financing, leasing and a host of other efforts to get an idea off the ground. Please post and participate in the future of Downtown Haverstraw!

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30 Liberty Street
Haverstraw, NY 10927